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Thylacine, Lord Beherit, OBLITERATE PLAGUE

Saw the destined-for-the-hall-of-fame Underground Death Metal show @ Burt's Tiki Lounge featuring Thylacine (locals I never heard of) + LORD BEHERIT (my friends LD, Azelcraz, Rocker, & Russell, most of em from Ibex Throne), and Headliners THE OBLITERATE PLAGUE, homegrown Cthulhuian Black Death Metal of Dessicating Infernal Blasphemic Hategrind. My friend Tony (of Anima Nera & Taught By Birds) played the scorching brimstone lead guitar, while Berzerker helmed the front mic + guitar, bringing down the house into a sadistic fury of wailing, screeching bedlam and drunken anarchy. Man was it ever the best -- we all got so freaKing drunk, I had to call in the next day. I'm telling you this show will live on in the Memory of Underground shows for Time Immemorial. Obliterate Plague did a razorsharp, pummeling cover of TORMENTED by the one & only SLAYER, and that nearly brought down the house right there. Fucking Sweet Evil Bliss.

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